
An Apostolic network that equips, trains and mobilizes Kingdom leaders. We are built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Christ Jesus himself as the chief cornerstone.
- Ephesians 2:20.
The Mission of the ANGN is to establish a continuing network of apostolic ministers based upon committed relationships, submission to Apostolic/Prophetic oversight, mutual accountability, and faithful financial support. Furthermore, it is to provide a place of accountability, oversight, and relationship so that each local church body might be a place of safety, security, and blessing. It’s also our desire to activate each ANGN ministry or church to become fulfilled and mature, enabling each of them to be a living demonstration of God’s purpose for His Church today. This activation would cause each church or ministry to send forth Apostolic teams to demonstrate and minister Christ’s life and purpose to His corporate Body.
What We offer ?
Through alignment and impartation, we stir and mobilize you to fulfill your calling and destiny and provide an atmosphere of safety and security through mentorship and prayer.
We provide equipping through conferences, training sessions, mentorship/corporate calls, and boot camps. We place a high emphasis on training leaders in their sphere of influence. ANGN believes that if you’re not evolving as a leader, you’re dying and those you lead will be stagnated.
Our senior network leaders give you apostolic counsel, advice, and strategy to help define, refine, articulate, and implement your vision. We provide spiritual and physical support to covenant leaders by cultivating an atmosphere of unity. ANGN helps leaders navigate the pitfalls of life and ministry while executing their vision.
We hold you accountable to walking worthy of your calling and fulfilling your mandated assignments. Our desire is to see you give birth to your God-given vision as it concerns your mantle (gift), your mandate (assignments), and your mountain (sphere of influence). We foster a culture of personal accountability and relationship – through personal contact and relationship with Apostolic/Prophetic Teams and other ministers- regional gatherings, conferences, and summits.
As a catalyst and advocate for Kingdom unity, we encourage leaders to network, cross pollinate and support other fellowships, networks and alliances. We provide an atmosphere for the building of these viable relationships at our annual gathering, which is proven to be a platform for powerful Kingdom collaborations and friendships.
We affirm the five-fold ascension gifts of the apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor, and teacher through the laying on of hands in accordance to mandates given.

Tracee D. Barlow is a young Apostolic-Prophetic voice for the end time, whom at a young age, has traveled the world extensively teaching and preaching apostolically to awaken churches and people. His mandate is to build and raise up a people who will operate holistically in the things of God with much demonstration and POWER of the spirit, just as the Isaiah 61 church; a church totally motivated and operated by the Spirit of God. His objective is to realign the church back to God's original intent of apostolic order, and AWAKEN a people back to the commission given to the early Apostles. He is the founder and Senior Pastor of The Resurgence Center in Houston TX, as well as the Founder/Overseer of the Awakening Nations Global Network that was birthed through prayer and a divine burden to establish and release Apostolic Teams to penetrate the earth with the fullness of Gods truth; revealing his Glory to the most utter parts of the world. The intent of this ministry is to raise up strong communities of Apostolic people that will cast out demons, heal the sick, raise the dead, and walk in supernatural demonstration in their time. Tracee Barlow is known for his gift of revelation of the scriptures, apostolic insight, and radical passion to see a generation fulfilling Heaven on Earth!
Tracee has worked in ministry for the past 15 years helping build the church and establishing a strong five-fold team, while working alongside his former Apostle, Anthony Terrell at New Pilgrim Apostolic Faith Church in Woodville, TX where the Apostolic/Prophetic call of God on his life became very evident. Upon embracing this call, Tracee quickly grew and developed in the things of God and became one of the leaders of the ministry. In September of 2018, The Spirit of the Lord led him to the Houston area where he has worked with several local churches helping them build apostolically.
To date, Tracee Barlow is Pastoring The Resurgence Center in Houston, Tx, and operating as a young Apostle pioneering and building in different regions as a "sent one" and contending for global revival. He has hosted several Apostolic Boot camps, Prophetic Meetings, Prayer Gatherings, and recently launched the School of Intercession. Apostle Tracee plans to continue birthing Apostolic and Prophetic people to carry world-shaking power to awaken hearts & spark great revival in the earth by the Grace of our lord and savior Jesus Christ.